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How a raging extrovert survives lockdown

Hannah Bradley photo Hannah Bradley · 06 Aug, 2020

Hannah is a self-confessed extrovert and was terrified of what lockdown would mean for her. Here she shares about what she's discovered.

Hi, my name is Hannah and I work for a charity called Youthscape. And today, I want to share with you a little bit about some of the things that I have experienced during lockdown.

First, a bit about me. I am a massive extrovert, a huge people person. I just love being with my friends and going out and doing things. In fact, if I have a free Saturday, I often feel myself start to panic because I just so want to be around other people and go off and do some adventuring.

Now, when lockdown happened, all of that was suddenly taken away, I couldn't see my friends anymore, I couldn't go out and do things anymore, and I couldn't even plan to do things in the future because everything was so uncertain. All that busy-ness suddenly deteriorated into nothing because I had to stay home to stay safe.

But as the weeks went by, I noticed a real shift in my priorities. Before where I would have chased busy-ness and chased distraction, and always wanted to be with other people, I was gradually becoming more okay with being on my own and taking days of rest, days where there was nothing happening at all. I realised that those days are actually just as important as the busy days, because those days can bring us energy and life in a different kind of way than being with people can.

I realised that before lockdown there had been lots of things that I had taken for granted. I had taken for granted that I could always hang out with my friends whenever I wanted, I had taken for granted simple things like going out and being able to get a coffee at Starbucks.

Lockdown wasn't a fun time for me, but it was a time where I think I really grew as a person and grew in patience. It was a time where I learned to be okay with rest, and it was a time where I really started to appreciate all those small things all over again.

I hope that lockdown taught you some things as well, and I hope that you can see that even in such a frustrating time, there are good things that can come out of it too. Thanks for listening, see you later.


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