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Guys this one's for YOU! Bullying- what to do?

Rob McNerney · 09 Jun, 2021

Yup- guys this one's for YOU!

This week is Men's Health Week and whether you're 15 or 115, there's stuff we all face occasionally that can be T.O.U.G.H. We'll be hearing from a range of voices this week, sharing tips, advice and helpful thoughts on how to navigate life as a guy and respond to some of the challenges out there!

"Why are you wearing that?".

"Why did you say that?".

"Okay. I'm just not gonna talk to you anymore".

Guys, these are all different ways that you might've experienced bullying in your life. And if you have, I'm sorry, because it's an awful thing and there's no time or place for bullying. I've experienced bullying in my life and it makes you feel awful.

But what's going on there and what can we do about it?

I think number one that oftentimes, when somebody is being a bully, the bully themselves just wants attention. They just wanna be noticed. Because deep inside of them is something that is going wrong. We never know what is going on behind the scenes of someone else's life, so oftentimes a bully is having a lot of issues themselves.

But what can you do about it? I think the first thing to do is make sure that you're speaking to somebody about it, make sure that you're getting help and letting people know that it's going on.

But another thing that you can try to practice is setting clear boundaries with nonverbal cues like really sharp looks where you don't engage or get into it but you say with your eyes, you say with your face, "I'm not okay with this, back off”.


Guys- this one's for YOU! It's okay to open up

Guys- this one's for YOU! It's okay to open up


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