Mental wellbeing for young people

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22 Sept, 2021

So life threw something rubbish at you. And maybe it was something annoying, like something was cancelled or changed at the last minute, or perhaps it was something bigger, something that hit you like an emotional slap in the face. Whatever it is, did you know there's stages to how your mind works through tough stuff? Number one, shock. Your brain is basically reeling before you get into thinking stuff through. First, you've gotta give yourself space to react. Find spaces and people you feel safe or just withdraw and be on your own if that feels safer. Number two is about working it through. When your brain is over that initial shock, it's time to process. And processing is all about getting your thoughts moving around your head. It's a bit like tennis. And there's basically three ways that you can do this. On your own. Make space to think, walk, sit, read, do whatever works for you or with your mates. When we hang out and chat with no agenda and no pressure, that can really help us process. So why not grab a coffee and hang out somewhere? But sometimes you need a coach, if emotions feel powerful, painful, or overwhelming. Or if you know that you're really struggling, maybe it's time to talk to someone who can help hook you up with a good therapist. Okay, the final stage is all about closure. Closure is about when you start feeling able to move on and this requires some big, emotional steps, acceptance, forgiveness, letting go. So it can really take time. You've gotta trust your brain's timing on this. Try and go with the flow and surf those waves instead of trying to fight them.





Your brain needs a BREAK!

Your brain needs a BREAK!